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WPCA Regular Meeting - 07/12/05
Members Present:        Joseph Carino, Richard Aries, Robert Dickinson, Edward Havens, Jr., Carol Fletterick, and Timothy Moriarty.

Members Absent: 

Alternates Present:     

Alternates Absent:      Susan Rose

Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control

Others Present: Karen Isherwood, Design Professionals Inc.
        Jay Giles, Fuss & O’Neill, Inc.
        John R. Mallin, McCarter English, LLP.,(Evergreen Run)
        Alan Lamson, FLB Architects, (Evergreen Run)

Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.  Because of the lack of a quorum, Chairman Carino chose this time to review the minutes to be voted on later in the meeting.


June 7, 2005 – Public Hearing
There were no changes made.

June 7, 2005 – Regular Meeting
Chairman Carino made the following changes:

On page 2, under Item C/New Business/last paragraph/2nd sentence, the phrase “full proof” should be changed to “fool proof”.  The sentence should read as follows: “Mr. Shaw stated that a simple method more fool proof would involve a single meter for the association and the Town will provide the association with details for billing purposes.”

On page 4, under Item C/New Business/Maneeley, 65 Rye Street/2nd paragraph, remove the word “that.”  The sentence should read as follows: “Mr. Shaw specified that the permit to be obtained will be for a vehicle maintenance permit and that is a grit interceptor rather than an oil separator will be required.”

On page 5, under Item C/Moe’s Southwest Grill – Evergreen Walk/2nd paragraph, the word “representation” should be changed to “presentation”.  The sentence should read as follows: “Based upon Mr. Shaw’s presentation, Mr. Aries moved to approve both applications.”

On page 7, under item G/Unfinished Business/Carla’s Pasta, 50 Talbot Lane/ the last sentence, the word “year” should be “year’s”.  Also change the phrase “come back again in front of the Water Pollution Control Authority” to “come back to the Water Pollution Control Authority.”  Therefore, the sentence should read as follows: “They are going to pay this year’s bill that they have been billed and they are going to come back to the Water Pollution Control Authority to finalize this situation.”
At 7:48 pm another member arrived, constituting a quorum.  Following this arrival of Mr. Moriarty, Chairperson Carino asked the Authority to discuss Item C-New Business.

        Motion to move to item C-New Business
        Was made by Mr. Dickinson
        Seconded by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
        The motion carried unanimously


1.      199 Deming Street, Church of the Living God of Manchester (Approval to connect a residential unit to Avery Street Sewer)

Karen Isherwood from Design Professionals was present to represent the applicant for 199 Deming Street.  The application is for a large addition to the existing sanctuary.  The request involves a connection of an existing residential unit off of Avery Street.  As part of the development, the existing septic system is going to be abandoned, and the residence connected to the existing lateral within Avery Street.  Karen Isherwood is asking for approval to connect the residential unit to the Avery Street sewer.

Motion to approve the connection of a residential unit to Avery Street Sewer, as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Church of the Living God; Site Plan – Special Exception, 199 Deming Street, South Windsor and Manchester, CT.”; Prepared by Design Professionals, Inc., South Windsor, CT: Job No. 449, Drawing No. server/jobs/449/449 – 4 – m dwg, Sheet No. 4/6, Dated 5-13-05, with revision dates: 6-3-05.

Was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Havens, Jr.
The motion carried unanimously

2.      Evergreen Run, Buckland Road (Approval to connect)

Jay Giles from Fuss & O’Neill, Inc., was present representing the applicant for Evergreen Run.  The project consists of two proposed retail buildings for which they are seeking approval to connect two laterals to a private sewerage system on Tamarack Drive constructed as part of the Evergreen Walk project.  Mr. Giles explained the need for an easement to connect to the private sewer located on Tamarack Drive and Evergreen Way.  Atty. John Mallin believes that it would be a connection agreement, not an easement agreement.  Chairperson Carino stated that the easement concept has been working very efficiently.

Motion to approve the application for Evergreen Run, for connection to the Town’s sewerage system, as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Evergreen Run, Buckland Road, South Windsor, CT.”; Prepared by Fuss & O’Neill, Inc., Manchester, CT; Project No.: 96-481A48, Drawing No.: CU.1.1, Dated: 04/29/05, with revision date: 06/21/05; and with the provision that there be an easement agreement for connection and maintenance in a form to be approved by the Town Attorney.

Was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Moriarty
The motion carried unanimously

In regards to the connecting agreement versus an easement agreement, Mr. Aries suggested that at some point the Authority should discuss whether a connection agreement may be an appropriate language to put in the motion, versus an easement agreement.  Mr. Shaw will review this matter with the Town Attorney and see if there is any reason to change the language.

Also, Mr. Giles asked the Authority if it is possible in the future to accept the private sewer located at Tamarack Drive and Evergreen Way as a public sewer since it is serving more than one customer.  Mr. Shaw stated this issue has been discussed before, and it was suggested by Chairperson Carino to establish the pros and cons for future discussion.  This would be on the agenda for the next meeting as a subsequent discussion item.

3.      140 Cody Circle (add to Residential User Billing List)

Mr. Shaw stated that this is a residential property, and when merging the assessors list with the billing list, 140 Cody Circle was not listed on the billing list.  The property owners received an estimate concerning the amount due in back user fees and they provided the Town with a payment.  Mr. Shaw is asking for approval to add 140 Cody Circle to the Residential User Billing List.

Motion was made to add 140 Cody Circle to the Residential User Billing List.

Was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mr. Aries
The motion carried unanimously

4.      Buckland Road Sewer Extension (Approval to authorize Project Funding in amount of $52,000)
As discussed in the last meeting, the Town Engineer submitted a memo explaining the increase in the cost of the project.  Therefore, Mr. Shaw is asking for approval to authorize Project Funding in the amount of $52,000.

Motion to approve Project Funding in the amount of $52,000 for the Buckland Road Sewer Extension.

Was made by Chairperson Carino
Seconded by Mr. Aries
The motion carried unanimously

At his point, Chairman Carino suggested to move to approve the minutes.  With a full quorum, the minutes were reviewed once again.
                June 7, 2005 – Public Hearing
                June 7, 2005 - Regular Meeting

                Motion to accept the Public Hearing and Regular Meeting minutes of June 7, 2005, with the corrections being made in the June 7, 2005 Regular Meeting minutes.
                Was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
                Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
                The motion carried unanimously


E.      PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the agenda)



1.      Carla’s Pasta, 50 Talbot Lane (Approve User Charge Billing)

As it was discussed in the previous meeting, there was some information unavailable, relating to the sewer usage calculation on this property going back to the time of meter installation.  As suggested by the Authority, Mr. Shaw distributed and discussed the methodology that he would use for calculating the user charges for the past three fiscal years (see Exhibit A).  The datum used was obtained from properly operating water meters (both MDC and private meters).  Mr. Shaw has reviewed this information with Carla’s Pasta representatives and they have agreed with this solution.  Mr. Shaw stated that he will send a letter to Carla’s Pasta representative outlining the procedures that they are to follow in the future to provide accurate meter readings.  These include the following: they are to read these meters not less that once a month; have the meters maintained at their expense; make sure that they are accurately recording flow; and they are to allow the Town staff the opportunity to come in and check the log to make sure that they are keeping the information up to date.  Also, they are to provide this information to the Town in January of each year for the previous calendar year.  The Authority agreed with the methodology that Mr. Shaw produced, and there was no further discussion.

Motion to accept the compromise settlement for the previous fiscal years, 2002/2003, 2003/2004, and 2004/2005 using the method for calculating the user charges as shown in Exhibit A.

Was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Aries
The motion carried unanimously

2.      Treatment Plant Upgrade – Design Phase

Mr. Shaw stated that the engineer has completed 10% of the design phase.  However, due to an increase in the engineering scope of services, for improvements to the Garage/Administration Building and main pumps, an increase of 10% to 11% of the original cost of the design phase is requested.  Mr. Shaw stated that he was advised by the Town bond counselor that an additional authorization is not needed because the authorization that the Town Council and WPCA approved was for both the design phase and the construction phase.  The consensus of the Authority was that additional funding is a legitimate request and no further authorization is necessary.



Motion to adjourn at 8:40 p.m.

        Was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
        Seconded by Mr. Dickinson
        The motion carried unanimously

        Ether A. Diaz
        Recording Secretary

        Date Approved: September 6, 2005